
January 5, 2021 Announcements

Important Dates to Remember for 3rd Quarter

January 11-29 Cognitive Abilities Testing for Grade 2
January 19 End of the Second Quarter/First Semester
January 19 Mobile Food Pantry at St. James United Methodist Church, 2032 S. Cypress 3:00-5:00
January 20 No School/Teacher Workday
January 28 Report Cards will be sent home with students

February 16 Mobile Food Pantry at St. James United Methodist Church, 2032 S. Cypress 3:00-5:00
February 22 No School for Elementary/Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences 8:00-5:20
February 23 Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences 3:40-6:20
February 26 No School/Conference Exchange Day

March 11 Interpreter-Supported Conferences 3:40-5:40

Note: Morningside STEM’s Kindergarten Registration will be April 27 and 28. If you have a child who will be five years old on or before September 15, 2021, please call our school office with your child’s information. We will then know to mail a packet to you prior to Kindergarten Registration.